Jan 01, 2018
Theora Care – What’s In A Name?
Since I started Theora Care, many people have asked me what the name means – is it a made up word like so many names of high tech companies? The founders initials in an anagram? Or does it have meaning?
I’m happy to say it has great meaning for the business and for me personally. We were trying to pick a product name that reflected what we were trying to accomplish – improve the lives of caregivers and their loved ones by delivering simple, useful and affordable technology products. These products needed to help loved ones live independently as long as they could, and give caregivers peace of mind when they couldn’t be there.
So, what does our name mean? The name Theora originated as a female Greek name. In Greek, the name Theora means – a thinker or watcher.
If you have ever been caregiver, you know the one thing you do is watch over the well-being of your loved one, or ones, and think about them constantly. But, you can’t always be there as you have obligations of work, children and more. Nor do your loved ones, as much as they adore you, want you always there! Our elders especially like to maintain their independence and activities.
As the name Theora implies, our company is dedicated to delivering solutions that help a caregiver watch over a loved one, and think ahead with useful information in context….as if they were there. We also are very unobtrusive, so our loved ones don’t feel intruded upon.
And, my colleagues and I are also watching and thinking – watching to see how our new products help our caregivers and loved ones and thinking ahead of more that we can do. We have just started this journey and are excited to walk the path with you.
P.S. one of my family members picked the name. Bonus points if you can guess –
a. Wife
b. Son
c. Daughter
d. In-laws
e. Dog
Just kidding about the last one. It was the cat.